Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

I feel that after staying up last night until 1:30 in the morning making myself an Easter Dress and matching bow ties for my boys, a picture is certainly called for!

My children, however, were not too happy to be dragged out to the bridge on the bike trail near our home. Can you imagine, mom made them stay in their church clothes for an entire two hours after church? The horror.

Happy Easter to all!


Taylor and Chelsea Cotter said...

So cute!! Happy Easter!!

Kiwi said...

I always love your family's matching church outfits. Brooke you are beyond crafty.

Team Clark said...

Great picture!
In the picture, I can see a resemblance between Jack and Gracie, which is odd because I've never thought that before.
And Brooke - your hair seems to have red in it and I like it! It looks good!
Everyone looks wonderful - what a good looking family!

Annee said...

Of course you made yourself an Easter dress! If your kids were horrified, they certainly put on great picture faces. I never would have guessed! Well done.

Lindsay said...

You have a beautiful family Brooke!