Wednesday, April 23, 2008

You Be The Judge

There is a boy at my house who thinks, at the ripe old age of five, that he has surpassed his seven year old sister in height. I think it's pretty much a tie, but as you can tell from the second picture, he thinks he's the winner. You be the judge.


Darin said...

Tell him, we vote tie for a few more months! Don't worry Maggie, when you are older you won't want to be as tall as your brothers. Let them grow, you just stay cute and smallish.

Annee said...

That was from me. Darin tries to stay out of domestic squabbles.

SLO Rober said...

that is a classic picture!Each of them is really showing their "enthusiasm"

kmk said...

Kawai says Harry is taller.

V and Co. said...

um sorry would have to go with harry as the winner. sorry maggie, but really it's okay short is in! just ask me, i quit growing after 8th grade.

Team Clark said...

Ah, such a sad face, Maggs! I don't know, though - I almost think that Harry is a "hair" taller...maybe?
Tell Maggie that being short isn't a bad thing - really!