Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Harry's Dressing Room

This Saturday, Harry came to me with a complaint. "Mom, we really need to get my costumes organized so that I can find them when I need them." Apparently the stuff them all into four large bins and shove them in the closet plan wasn't working for him. So, being a lover of all things organized myself, I didn't want to squelch his desire to organize. We went through a couple of options, one being taking all the clothes out of his dresser and putting the costumes there. But then, where would he put his regular clothes? he realized. Finally, we settled on taking down the shower curtain in the kid bathroom (which the kids never use, so I guess it should be called the guest bathroom), and hanging up his costumes there. This kid really got into it. My job was to hang them on the hangers, and then he would hang them on the rack, organizing them by type of costume. "We'll start on the left and move to the right" was his actual comment. After we got the costumes all up, we started on the hats, hanging them with clothespins onto strings hanging from the towell rack. Finally, we lined up masks on the counter. I don't think the pictures reflect this latest addition. I have to say...it looks pretty cool. He kept saying, "it's like we're making a store, or a movie."And, it actually has helped. He's very good about hanging his costumes back up when he's done, so he always knows where to find them. I don't know what will happen when we next have guests, but for now, Harry's Dressing Room is a perfect addition to our home!


V and Co. said...

LOVE IT! amazing how many costumes he has!

Mae said...

You are such a flexible mom! I love the idea that Harry has a Dresing Room.

Team Clark said...

Ahh, I miss Harry. I really am SO curious what he'll end up doing with his life when he's older...oh, the possibilities!